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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kanban Evolution with Anderson

David J. Anderson, author of the defining book on Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business appeared on my program back in October 2011 and this is a transcription of the Business901 Podcast,  Evolutionary Change thru Kanban. David is the host of the Lean Software & Systems Conference.

LSSC 2012 Boston is bringing three premiere events to one centralized location to facilitate the next wave of ideas in methods, process and organization for software & systems engineering development. Boston is the premiere place to be for those innovating in the Lean community.

David is credited with the first implementation of a process for software development, in 2005. David leads a management consulting firm focused on improving performance of technology companies. He has been in software development nearly 30 years and has managed teams on agile software development projects at Sprint, Motorola, Microsoft, and Corbis.

David’s first book, Agile Management for Software Engineering: Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results, published in 2003 by Prentice Hall, and introduced many ideas from Lean and Theory of Constraints into software engineering. David can be found at

Related Information:
Kanban, could we call this podcast anything else?
Lean Kanban lessons from a Software Developer
Marketing Kanban
Lean Engagement Team Book Released

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